Thursday, August 31, 2006

A Whole New Topic

Ga Ga Ga Ga, Gardening (LOL) :-)

(Baby Bell Peppers)

Right up my alley, I am a gardening attic as well as other manual type crafty attic which you are aware of; there are others I won't mention right now only so I can talk about my gardening. Well I seriously began gardening in I think it was the Summer of 2003 or 2004, and it has grown enormouly. One of my favorite types of gardening is Winter Sowing. Winter sowing allows your seedlings the opportunity to harden off during the Winter months allowing you to begin planting much earlier than most gardeners and farmers, the process if very simple even something the children will have fun joining in on, there are mud pies to be made and decisions on what you want to plant for the new season and collecting the different empty bottles in preparation.

Here are the steps:

Step 1 - Collect all the empty milk gallon jugs that you can even the 2 litre soda bottles and rinse them out with hot soap and water making sure not to leave any soap residue.

Step 2 - Parents should do this part because of the scissors, at about mid point on the bottles/jugs, cut them open but not completely off.

Step 3 - Parents, punch some draining holes in the bottom of these bottles/jugs so that when the weather changes, the rain/snow will be able to drain directly out of the bottom.

Step 4 - Purchase some quality vegetable/flower growing soil like Miracle Grow, its really great it has all the nutrients the seedlings will need to grow strong.

Step 5 - Let's not forget the non-washable marker you will need to mark each bottle so you know what you have planted and how many of them.

Step 6- You will need to make a Map/Legend of what you are planting and it is also good practice to decide where you want to plant what, height and width of a particular plant is also very important to keep track of and how long it will take for a particular plant to grow to maturity.

Step 7- Let's make some mud pies....Have fun

Step 8 - Seal the jug/bottle with some clear packing tape, believe me it i will hold it all together then place all your jugs/bottle outside the house

Oh yeah, when you make mud pies try not to make it soupy or you will have to keep adding more soil so that your seeds do not fall out so keep it firm but moist. I begin in September just when the weather is beginning to get cool, I will double check with my friend up in Saugerties just to make sure and get back to you.

Most importantly, when you place the bottles in your yard or on the porch like I do, make sure you do not leave the caps on, how else will the rain and snow get into the bottle. (Laugh) That is the whole purpose for puncturing the holes in the bottom of the plastic bottles and leaving the caps off, you don't have to worry about remembering to water your new plants.

Here are some photos of my Garden from 2004 here they are, please feel free to comment and ask as many questions as you like.

Baby Cucumber growing up, isn't it cute? Its own vines support the fruit isn't that just motherly? LOL

Cucumbers and Corn growing together in harmony:

The corn is further from you when looking and the cucumbers are facing you. My mistake was that I was too anxious and I planted them in the same pot.....guess who lost.... the corn. The cucumber are very viney and they strangled the corn once it began to reach 7' tall, no corn and plenty of cucumbers, organic mind you. I will not mix them next time that's for sure.

Wait until you see the Wasp nest that is built every year I grow my garden, my motto is don't bother them and they won't bother you; I have not been stung yet, checked out but that's it; wait until you see the photo

Look at them, get closer; they are busy about their business of establishing a nest for the Queen and their young ones. (Smile) My new tenants, non rent paying bleep bleeps! (LOL)

My first Banana /Bell Peppers, they were delicious and crisp, no pesticides in my garden.

Young Pole beans on the vine:

Some ready for cooking:

More youngins, baby peppers, onions and tomatoes: Okay one more photo and I will stop for now, wait until you see my 2007 garden it is going to be awesome

Directly below, Corn and Gourds taking over my deck, that is one other item that takes over everything, Gourds; whoah! talk about pervasive; I plan on planting some for next years garden for sure.

To the left is the corn that actually grew to about 8' before they were totally strangled by the cucumbers and to the left are the gourd leaves of which I only got one of because I planted too late, those leaves were huge as large as a collard green leave, too bad they were not edible.

Just one more photo and then I will close: My Strawberries, the chipmunks had a ball, I don't even think I tasted one.

Okay now that I have talked a bit about one of my other loves, feel free to ask any questions you like, I will do my best to answer them or find someone who will. Have fun checking out my photos and blah blah.

Chow for now

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Oooh, The C Word


Just checking in to let you know what I have been up to, well I have not been on ebay placing bids for yarn, I definitely have more than enough to last I won't say how long but, I think you can imagine how long once I get to posting the photos of my stash, it will probably leave you all with your mouths open it certainly raises my eyebrows from time to time. (Smile) Well I have been crocheting lately only because I do not want to forget how to so when the young ones ask me how to which they have, I will remember my stuff. Check these out...

As you can see I got a bit carried away with making these bags, the original pattern was for a much smaller version that could probably only fit a cell phone or some keys in, this one you can actually fit a small knitting/crochet project in with a little room to spare.

Here is another photo...

See, nice and roomy but not too big, it can still fit nicely around the wrist. I personally cringe when I hear/see slp sts, yuk; it is entirely possible that there is a better way of doing them which I would like to know but I just do not care for the abrupt disruption in the actual pattern. Yuk!

My Project Bags were done soley in the round; I have been asked to write it down so I will soon actually I have already begun to do so today during our Purls of Hope class. I handed the bags in knowing full well that they will probably be used as small pocketbooks which is also a comforting thought, I am sure they will be appreciated whatever the usage.

I currently am in the middle of two hats, one knitted and the other is part of a crochet-a-long for some of the newbies to crocheting, its really fun being able to show someone a new craft; I like teaching but I don't think about doing it on a regular never know.

I will try to post more often and let you know what I have been up to, oh yeah, my sewing machine is showing its bobbins if you know what I mean, the nerve! I spoke to Marva and she explained that it was the tension since the bird nesting was directly from the spool of thread, Marva explained that my bobbin should always have enough thread on it before you begin sewing, I will be testing that theory this weekend; I am ready to go...I have cut out my pattern and there is a bag I would like to put a lining in and a few other items I want to try my hand at sooooo I will let you know what my progress is and also post some pictures.

Chow for now

Thursday, August 10, 2006

My Photos Are Freaking Me OUT, What's Up!!!


Was that loud enougth, I was able to post two photos the first time before Blogger told me that it had toupdate some files and I thought Imanaged to save my draft of my latest posting but later found that it was lost in the proverbial sauce, now I have one photo and can't seem to upload any others....I decided to b-log with another posting to see if the problem persist so here it goes.....

Beginning the I-cord.

See, that is not funny; the photo came up. Okay let's try another one...

This is so not funny, why now after I had to recreate the posting, what is the dea-li-o? Okay, okay, let's try it one more time:
By the way the hat is slamming I must say so myself, I just love the way the TLC self striping effect displays itself, isn't it just wonderful; I plan on making quite a few of these using some more earthy type tones, watch my smoke fellow knitters..

The final product, it is too cute for words, Maya is going to just love it; she better (laugh)

The Cutesy view, Awww

Alrightythen (I meant to write it that way) now that it is working I will continue with this posting and expound on the first one with my future plans, here goes another photo...

Caron one pound wound into workable balls, how cute it looks all atop each other.

Okay I give up, this is obviously working and I will not fight the funky way it has been treating me so I will show you one more photo and then I will go back to my first draft and blab some more. Here it goes...

This is the biggest ball of yarn I have ever wound up, I didn't even know that my ball winder could hold this much yarn, I think this ball weighed in at about 3. something ounces, its' huge.

Well I have enjoyed this trip down the, "So the photos are playing with my mind" road and I will chat with you all much later, but not that much later, as you can see I like to gab.


Chow for now

The Craftiness Of It All

Wow, I can't believe I have to rewrite this posting all over again like I remember verbatim what I previously expounded on, Dang! Anywho here it goes... I am having so much fun posting to my blog and reading all the interesting blogs that I have been visiting, the creative juices flowing are incredible and all inspiring at the same time; I have learned so much from everyone its quite amazing and awe inspiring at the same time.

I currently am in a knitting frenzy, enjoying every aspect of kitting and I have just learned how to spin, I will post photos soon, it is so cool just the thought of crating yarn that can be used to creat something beautiful from an animals hair. What an amazing process, I am definitely hooked to the core. I have to take my time when writing, you don't need to know that the bubble gum that I should not be chewing has long since lost its flavor and I am just going through the motions of jawing while I post, you really don't need to know that. (Laugh) I am currently spinning and knitting several items at the same time, like I have three sets of arms which I could definitely use right about now. I can see me now knitting with one set, spinning with the other and probably winding up some yarn with the last pair. Wow, wouldn't that be amazing? )LOL( Just being silly, it's fun some times don't you think?

It's appropriate that I mention being able to laugh at ones self, a few of us at work this afternoon were discussing that very thing, that it is very important to be able to laugh at yourself and make jokes and just let it hang out at times. A beautiful young married lady acquaintance of mines, I won't mention her name and I don't think she will read my blog anytime but I do plan on not being goofy about her situation which is lack of a funny bone but she desperately needs to get that knot out of her girdle and have some fun. Life is way too short not to be able to let your hair down and goof on yourself as well as others like so often do. I definitely am in touch with my funny bone and know how to get to others. (Smile) Okay enough about my lake of humor. Fishing joke, I know you didn't get it, I did! SeewhatImean.... That was deliberate! Laugh

Anywho, I have some updated photos of some of the WIP's that I have finally finished and wish to share my progress with you. Check it out..

Almost there, I frogged this hat back down to the 104 sts so that my dec sts fell properly, everyone cringed. I will frog in a heart beat and I don't care how many rows it involves.

Well I did it and all the photos came out in the second posting and so this allows me to discuss the crafts that I am interested in like sewing, something of which I know a little about. Some friends of mine old and new got together and went to the garment district and had a ball, I purchased some linen for $4.50 a yd in blue and 1 yd in white. We proceeded to a few other spots where I picked up some wonderful cotton floral print.... a really nice print, nothing loud for $1.oo a yd, I bought 2 yds.. I ended with purchasing some jersey knit and some lovely satin like material which I have some ideas about.

In attendance were myself, Harlem Purls, Necia and Jeannine; I will be attaching their blogspots as soon as remember how. (Snicker, just not too loudly) The other craft that I am interested in is making my own stitch markers from the varied colors of clay, I already have some of the necessary tools to get started , where will I find the time?

I have really met some wonderful people learning how to knit, they all come from diverse backgrounds and have similar interest in common with one another. I will forward photos of our first SistahFriends BBQ which took place in Harlem last Saturday, we had a nice turn out, not too many and just enough for everyone to remember everyones names, let's see if I can name them...there was Chante and Sahara the hostesses of this lovely knit-o-rama and eat - fest... Sandra of Green Gables, Marvelous Marva, Cami Cakes and friend, oops! then there was Sharin, I hope I spelled that right and there was Necia and Michelee with daughter Aliya, I know I didn't spell that one right, bare with me, little Cee, Necia's little twin and Jamaal Chante's little look alike not to mention Will and Ian the chefs who kept us coming back and forth for all the wonderful edibles. Wow, I pigged out and I wasn't alone. )laugh(..

Okay now for some more photos:

My very first attempt at spinning, it was great and I had a ball, my Sensei
Harlem Purls showed me how, she is a blessing to us all. When I finish adding some more of my bulky spun yarn to this small amount, I will knit something out of it; what I don't know and show you the end results.

K! = Okay - just in case you didn't know. (LAUGH)

Here goes my second attempt at spinning...

Look how nice and thin this roving
which my new friend Necia gave me a bit of at the BBQ came out, I just love the color combinations she used, they are working and I can't wait to start
dying my own roving, she and Chante are so happy about my progress; I am so excited, oh yeah this is my very first spindle, isn't it cute?

Here is my first order of roving, A whole pound; WOW!

Look at it, it sure looks like more than a pound; can't wait to dye some.
I will definitely post some pics.

Oh yeah, one more photo of some really nice roving from my friend Necia that I will be combining with some of the other roving I have to create a funky effect.

Here it is, check it out~

Looks fabulous, just fabulous.

I have to say that crafters are so wonderful and giving, always sharing either knowledge or craft products.

Fianlly let me say that I constantly remain in awe of my fellow crafters, especially the Witty Knitty's without them I would probably still asking what is a ssk. LAUGH!

Chow for now

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

New Knitted Photo Additions

Hello fellow knitters, here are the socks I made for my husband, 12 EEE, two and a half skeins of yarn with some left over to make the baby sock I later made and I can probably make another baby sock with the rest. The yarn is Zara Merino New Wool in a denim, lovely yarn which was part of a (4) day going out of business sale at The Lion and The Lamb in Manhattan; Harlempurl and I cleaned up. They were fun to make and you know I will be making more real soon.

I had to give you both views of these
socks because the self patterning is so wonderful to look at, I will tell you the name of the yarn as soon as I can remember where I put the label, I learned a lot making these; I will be practicing the ssk stitch so see what I can do with it so it will match the k2tog and look as smooth as that side does. If anyone has any suggestions let me know as soon as you think of one. I am going to try to k2tog through the back of the sts just to see what it looks like.

These colors are so awesome, I will be donating them to someone, I don't have anyone in mind yet but I know someone will pop up. I will be making myself some footies with the remaining yarn as soon as Harlempurl finds the rest of it. (hint, hint) Laugh

This hat was coming along just fine until I noticed that the decreased sts were not falling correctly, I frogged it 5:45 a.m. this morning and I am about to go downstairs and redo it, this time paying close attention to what I am doing. I can't wait to show it off finished, it was easy and quick to make and I will be making more of them real soon. I will have to invite to check it out once I have finished it and critique it for me, definitely check out her site she has some wonderful patterns she is sharing with her fellow knitters.

I will be talking to you real soon so keep me in mind when you begin your browsing of the b-log scene.


Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Photo Finishes...Finally!

Yes, yes, yes, I finally found my camera charger, Yeah!
Hello everyone now you will get to actually see some of the things I have been working on and some I have finished. Here is a WIP; a hat I am working on for one of my little cousins using Soxie's Pattern, I will add her direct link as soon as I learn how. I am learning as I go along, it took me a minute to find the dang file with the photos, but I did.

These are my very, very first socks and they drove me insane, now that I have my sanity back, I am on a roll and enjoying every moment of sock making. Harlempurl is amazed at how I can go on and on with the length of my socks, I just love the whole process of sock making....Don't you?

Socks for Maya!
After washing them they came out so soft, she just loves them. This is another TLC work of art. I like the self patterning, so stripey. I am having fun, can't you tell

Blue, Blue, Blue, here are my Winter Socks, I just love them; I washed them and they are so soft I used TLC yarn again, I just love the way the colors self pattern don't you; they are so snuggly soft? Socks, socks, socks!

Ooh, La, La, this yarn orignally priced
for $8.99, I got it at half off and as the months went by for $3.00, can you imagine? Yes, it is as soft as it looks, so luxurious; I have plenty and I will be making myself a sweater and a matching hat to go with this kerchief. I will show you the end project once I have finished with it. This yarn is so much fun to work with, you will not want to put it down.

Isn't this cute, I was bored and decided to give one of my friends patterns she found a try, come to think of it I think this is also from Soxie, I will definitely have to add her link, she has some wonderful patterns to share matter of fact, once I finish her hat pattern I will send her a link to my b-log so she can see how I did. Look at it, it's so tiny; it took about an hour or so with plenty of interruptions along the way but a nice distraction from the normal size socks I am hooked on. I will attach Soxie's site so you all can take a gander of what she has to offer as well as all the other wonderful knitters patterns I have recently tried.

Well fellow knitters, I will be adding more photos as I get the chance between projects to take the photos and add them to my b-log. Laugh! Wait until you actually see my stash, it is shameful and will definitely make you blush, want to swap? Sike! Just kidding, I will consider it if you have something funky and exciting. Let's talk. I will also be including my XL size Ziploc bag of WIP's that I didn't take individual photos of, there are way too many; I have been bad without a doubt. When I actuall y do reveal my stash I will give you some info on the room it currently occupies so you know where I am going with this.

Chow for now