Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Oooh, The C Word


Just checking in to let you know what I have been up to, well I have not been on ebay placing bids for yarn, I definitely have more than enough to last I won't say how long but, I think you can imagine how long once I get to posting the photos of my stash, it will probably leave you all with your mouths open it certainly raises my eyebrows from time to time. (Smile) Well I have been crocheting lately only because I do not want to forget how to so when the young ones ask me how to which they have, I will remember my stuff. Check these out...

As you can see I got a bit carried away with making these bags, the original pattern was for a much smaller version that could probably only fit a cell phone or some keys in, this one you can actually fit a small knitting/crochet project in with a little room to spare.

Here is another photo...

See, nice and roomy but not too big, it can still fit nicely around the wrist. I personally cringe when I hear/see slp sts, yuk; it is entirely possible that there is a better way of doing them which I would like to know but I just do not care for the abrupt disruption in the actual pattern. Yuk!

My Project Bags were done soley in the round; I have been asked to write it down so I will soon actually I have already begun to do so today during our Purls of Hope class. I handed the bags in knowing full well that they will probably be used as small pocketbooks which is also a comforting thought, I am sure they will be appreciated whatever the usage.

I currently am in the middle of two hats, one knitted and the other is part of a crochet-a-long for some of the newbies to crocheting, its really fun being able to show someone a new craft; I like teaching but I don't think about doing it on a regular never know.

I will try to post more often and let you know what I have been up to, oh yeah, my sewing machine is showing its bobbins if you know what I mean, the nerve! I spoke to Marva and she explained that it was the tension since the bird nesting was directly from the spool of thread, Marva explained that my bobbin should always have enough thread on it before you begin sewing, I will be testing that theory this weekend; I am ready to go...I have cut out my pattern and there is a bag I would like to put a lining in and a few other items I want to try my hand at sooooo I will let you know what my progress is and also post some pictures.

Chow for now


Anonymous said...

Smashing bags dahling. I always admire the charity you and Chante do for the Purls of Hope. What patterns are you going to be working on sew wise? I bought a few the other day and I'm waiting not so patiently for them to come in.

A great sewing reference is

Hit the forums. The people there are genuises.

Anonymous said...

I would love to have this pattern so I can make me a couple of these bags! Can you e-mail me with the pattern? I would appreciate it so much. Thank you Robin Kurtz my e-mail is

Anonymous said...

Hi, this is Sherrin. We met at Sahara and Chante's BBQ in the park this past August. I would like to know if I can have this pattern. I would really appreciate it. Your bags are beautiful. My email address is or

Thanks a mill
